In addition to counselling, RoSA provides a range of other services to support our clients, before during and after counselling has ended.
Recognising varying and individual needs, the following groups and events are offered to all RoSA clients.

Support Group Activities
Community Group
The Community group is offered to all RoSA clients and provides a safe environment to come together for a chat, discuss topical issues and share interests and hobbies.
This group is held once a month on Zoom and is a social gathering. If you are interested in attending, you will be provided with all the dates scheduled and you are free to come to one, some or all of the sessions.
Counselling Groups
For clients who wish to have their counselling as part of a small group, this is facilitated by two counsellors during a 12 month period, on a weekly basis, 2 hours per session.
Focus Groups
RoSA regularly reviews its services, and the Focus group is made up of current or ex-clients who are happy to help develop training materials and processes. As a member of the Focus groups, you will be contacted from time to time, to review and help develop current and new initiatives.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Focus groups, please contact us on 01788 551150 or
Befriending service
For a lot of clients, going out, shopping, trying new things etc, can be daunting and challenging. The Befriending service provides a DBS checked individual who can escort you and assist with these things.
Creative Play workshops
RoSA offers a variety of workshops on creative arts and play. These workshops encourage individuals to express themselves through a range of activities including: painting and drawing; journaling; pebble work and sand trays.
Relaxation and meditation workshops
Learn how to relax through a range of activities including: yoga, mindfulness and breathing techniques.
For further information, please contact RoSA on 01788 551150 or